Tender Pack
To enable you to obtain accurate quotes that closely reflect the works required, you will need to provide your contractors with the right information. We’re able to produce Tender information that will allow you to do just that.

What information is required for a Tender pack?
To provide a comprehensive pack that will protect you against ‘variations’ requested by the contractor, you will need to provide the following information:
Planning Drawings (if obtained)
Building Regulation Drawings
Construction Drawings (if appropriate)
Interior Architecture Drawings & Specification (if required)
Standard Letters
Appropriate JCT Contract to appoint your contractor
Schedule of Works
Tender Return Form
You might also want to make sure your expectations – of how the construction takes place, time scales and any phasing you want – are established. You should also make it clear whether you expect to stay in the house during the works or move out. This will have a large bearing on the quotes you receive

Who sends the tender information to the contractors?
We can prepare all the information required and provide you with a pack to send to your chosen contractors. This will be in a PDF format. If you would like paper copies, we can provide these for an additional cost.
You will send this information on: the contract will be between yourself and the contractor. We do not provide a full project management service. If you’re appointing a project manager, we can provide all the information required for them to carry out the tender process on your behalf.
How do we know which builder to choose?
We would recommend that you attempt to get three prices from contractors. To achieve this, you might need to send the tender information to five.
If you’re looking for a place to start, it’s best to approach family and friends for their recommendations.
Recommendations are usually the best way to find a contractor. That said, trade bodies such as the Federation of Master Builders can also be a useful resource to pick contractors.

Things you might want to consider when choosing a contractor?
There are lots of contractors out there (anyone can say they are contractor) so you must do your homework before making your final choice. Some things to consider:
When are they available to work on your project?
What type of projects do they focus on? For example: do you want a kitchen company building a new house?
Are they fully insured: public, employer liability and Contractor All Risks insurance?
Speak to past customers and seek professional references such as other architects.
How long have they been operating? How many projects have they completed?
Who actually does the building work – direct employees or sub-contractors?
Who is the project manager?
What are their payment terms?
What’s their financial status?
Who are the Directors? What are their backgrounds?

Will Moon meet the contractor to discuss the project?
We’re able to meet with your chosen contractor at the start of project to discuss the design and construction details. There is an hourly charge for this meeting.
This is not a project management or contract administration service, but a service to give you some piece of mind. The higher the quality of the contractor you choose, the less likely you will need our assistance.